Denim Forest Holiday Table Setting

Thrifted denim, sticks and ribbon where just part of this magical denim forest tablescape. The inspiration for this table setting? Our logo! Savannah Bee Company Founder, Ted Dennard, chose the colors of our logo 22 years ago from the colors he found himself always wearing -denim blue from his jeans and leather brown from his belt and boots. We used those same colors this year as inspiration for this "cowgirl/cowboy" chic Christmas table setting.
Here's what we did so you can do it too!
Step 1: Cover your table with a piece of blue fabric. We used blue linen.
Step 2: Using scraps of thrifted denim, we sewed a table runner to go down the middle.
Step 3: Plates (Juliska), cuttlery (Pottery Barn), and glasses (Amazon) were added.
Step 4: Hemstitched blue linen napkins (Amazon) with handmade denim napkin rings were placed on each place setting. Learn how to make the napkin rings HERE.
Step 5: The final touch to each place setting was a gift to our guests. Wrapped in a simple brown box and tied with a denim ribbon to continue the theme. And, what was inside?? A handmade Christmas Tree ornament made from denim scraps.

Step 6: Now you are ready for the centerpiece! A forest of denim trees -all made from thrifted denim and denim ribbon. Learn how to make one HERE.

Step 7: The most delicious part of our Cowboy/Cowgirl Chic holiday table was adding raw honeycomb at each place setting. PRO TIP: We decided to forgo the turkey and opted for a fried chicken dinner to match our table theme. Raw Honeycomb on fried chicken is a game changer! You have to try it!

And there you have it! A little denim forest feast. Let it inspire your holiday table.

Happy Holidays and YEE HAW from all of us at Savannah Bee Company.
May your days BEE MERRY and bright!
happy bees. happy earth.