Happy Father’s Day

All of us Fathers should breathe out a big sigh of relief. We dads are required to figure this role out with no training, and, if you were like me, you would like to put in a second quarter to play it again and get a higher score. I feel like I would be a better father now that I have had a couple of decades under my belt navigating the decisions and the hurdles that befall a father just trying to do what is best for the kids. People talk about work-life balance and that is a crock of s*#! because there is no real balance- unless you count doing less than desirable in both work and fatherhood. Luckily today is the day fathers can enjoy whatever they like the most. Kick back and toast one first to your dad, and then one to you. Shrug off all those decisions and relish paternity and its fulfillment of one of humanity’s greatest instincts. Suspend any judgement of past performance and let’s just appreciate the joys that come with being a dad.
- Ted Dennard, Founder and Beekeeper