Hanging Sunshine Jars Craft

The happiest upcycling project to brighten up your summer windows.
What You Need:
2-3 clean 12 oz jars (we used our left over Savannah Bee Company Sunflower Honey jars)
Thick gauge golden/brass wire
Jute rope
Fresh cut sunflowers
Jewelry pliers
Wire cutters

What to do:
1. Wire the jar: Bend a length of wire (roughly 24-30 inches) around the mouth of the jar, leaving about 10-12 inches of space at the beginning and end. Twist the wire to thoroughly tighten around the jar to one side. Repeat and tighten to secure on the other side. Using the leftover length, fold over and twist each piece to the original twist, creating a double loop. Repeat on the other side.
2. Hang the jar: Using the jute rope, bring together the two wire loops above the jar and loop to create a hanger.
3. Arrange the flowers: Fill the jars about halfway with water. Cut the sunflowers to about ½” - 2” taller than the jars and arrange 2-3 sunflowers in each jar. Hang prominently in a kitchen window to add a little bit of sunshine to your day!
Pro Tip: Use your imagination! We didn’t wire any of our jars exactly the same way. Each one had its own unique spin! As long as the jar holds up, you’re on the right track!